About Flower Reed Diffuser..
Nowadays many people use wooden reed stick diffuser for many reasons. For refreshing the air, removing bad smell,, etc. However, sometimes we can not smell well like when you buy it. Every at that time, many sellers said we have to upside-down your wooden reed sticks. But sometimes still you can not smell well. This is why we make Flower Reed Diffuser. Our flower reed is made with paper and fabric and also connect with white strings. The flower reed pretty much stronger than regular stick diffuser because it has more space for spread out. This is why this diffuser can cover up to 400 square feet. Lastly, our flower reed absorbs our oil to the end. After the oil gone, you do not need to refill it again right away because our flower reed contain diffuser oil for a month more.
You can enjoy your life with Woomood Flower Reed Diffuser.